Nearly 4000 persons have received information in person at the office of the Cave and Museum of Nerja from the time it opened last March. The facilities, which were inaugurated by the president and vice-president of the Foundation, Jorge Hernández Mollar and José Alberto Armijo (Popular Party), respectively, are located in the heart of the town of Nerja. They have become “an added plus to the cultural offer” of the town.
The office is located near the Balcón de Europa’s exit of the municipal parking lot. Tens of thousands of visitors who pass through there can receive information about schedules and prices, even when the office is closed by just checking the office’s information panels. They can also obtain information about the Museum and the Cave via an audiovisual display that plays between 10 AM and 1 AM
Of all the visitors that have been to the office, 45% are foreign, most of them from United Kingdom –35%-. Next in the ranking are tourists from Germany at 12.6% and Sweden 4.75%.
More specifically, the information office has been visited by tourists from 44 different countries, most of them from the European Union flying in via Malaga airport, though there have been tourists from Argentina, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, Australia, Saudi Arabia and even Madagascar, among others.
Regarding domestic visitors, a total of around 55% from Madrid and Andalucía occupy the top spots of the ranking, with 29% of the share. Next is Cataluña, 10%, and third place is shared by País Vasco, Castilla La Mancha, Galicia and Castilla León.
To this regard, the manager of the Foundation, Angel Ruiz evaluated the data and has pointed out that it shows a “very positive balance, which means that the office keeps on working to transfer information about the Cueva de Nerja and their facilities”. “There was a lack when it was a street storefront, but now after the office has been transferred to the heart of Nerja, we have been able to better promote the Cave. At the same time the Museum has become better known, so as a result, there has been an increase of visits to both cultural facilities”, he added.
The office is open morning and evening from March to September, adding hours to the schedule as needed depending on the month and the holidays, in order to “transfer maximum quality service to all the persons wishing to visit the Cave or the Museum, or that simply walked around the town and didn’t know about the natural landmark, but felt attracted when they saw the facilities’ pictures”, he explained.
To conclude, he hoped that “this visual and informative space” would continue being a “good, appealing attraction” so that tourists visiting Nerja “take the time to visit the Cave and the Museum; taking advantage of the chance to visit such a magnificent natural show”. The caves are a short taxi ride away from Nerja, just close the the town of Maro.