31 October 2014
Málaga’s Symphony Orchestra got a full house at the concert held at the Cueva de Nerja to commemorate the concert held on October 20th 1961 in which, for the first time ever, two musical pieces by Segundo Pastor and José Andreu that were dedicated to the caves were played.
This show is included in the program of events celebrating the 55 anniversary of the discovery of the caves in Nerja, “a very emotional date for the children of these musicians that didn’t want to miss this tribute”. The event sold out, as told by Nerja’s Town Council.
The Nerja Cave Foundation signed an agreement with the heirs of both musicians to give the institution copyright over the music and thus, an album was to be released to play in the caves.
Javier Moreno, guitarist, is involved in editing the CD. Once the editing of the CD is completed, it will be used as background music inside the cave to the delight of visitors and as a thank you to the composers.